Richard Pryor, “Pryor Convictions” – He never grew out of what he grew up in.
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Some time ago, I heard a guy say (or something similar to this), “Most business problems that entrepreneurs have are really unresolved personal problems.” In my own journey as an entrepreneur, I think I agree with this sentiment. Being a biz owner demands so much from you, and it will shine a spotlight on every insecurity you have. This part of why I believe #AllLeadershipIsPersonal. The things that constitute the core of who we are show up in every area of our lives, from the boardroom to the bedroom, every part of who you are goes with you everywhere.
Richard’s story is a painful read because he NEVER received the validation he needed. Literally, the book begins with his share that he grew up in “whore house” and that he didn’t feel loved by his mother…or anybody in his family, for that matter. As he got older, he alluded to the complexity of his family relationships: he gave them money because he wanted to be connected, but he never felt truly loved. By the same token, families that have entrenched poverty, violence and addiction has “interesting” ways of being connected, but who are we to say that those families lack love? Perhaps, in fact, their relationships mirror their lives. They are complex and distressed. Unfortunately, Richard never figured out how to deal with his family, his life, or coping without alcohol, drugs, sex, and women. The one thing that I do like about his story is that he owns he is and his choices, even though his is wracked with shame in some ways.
Relative to his work, he was even open about his life on stage, whether he was doing a comedy show or a movie. He didn’t hide.