All Leadership is Personal

Black woman standing in a hallway in a museum.

Jun 13 2024

My Dad is Tracking Me

Yesterday, I discovered a need that I didn't know that I had. As I chatted with the many people who were kind to me while I was in Mississippi, I felt the ...
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May 8 2024

Roxane’s Hunger

There reason I often say, "All leadership is personal; we just happen to do it in professional settings sometimes," is simple. I actually believe it! Roxane Gay's memoir, Hunger, proves me right! ...
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Mar 25 2024

Richard Pryor, “Pryor Convictions” – He never grew out of what he grew up in.

Some time ago, I heard a guy say (or something similar to this), "Most business problems that entrepreneurs have are really unresolved personal problems." In my own journey as an entrepreneur, I ...
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