Leadership Drive Tours

Apr 30 2024

Traci Mathena, Principal, Charter School Leadership

On a beautiful winter afternoon in March, I drove to Baltimore, Maryland, to interview Traci Mathena. I was excited to hear the story of what drove her to education. More accurately, I ...
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Apr 7 2024

Ben Saulsberry

We had a great #quickchat with Ben! He's a native son the Delta with strong, but warm presence. He framed the necessity of studying the past quite provocatively when he said studying ...
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Mar 20 2024

Kinchen “Bubba” Okeefe

My conversation with "Bubba" was impromptu! I was exploring Clarksdale on foot and stopped by the tourism office, where he works. We chatted right up until I needed to head to Cleveland, ...
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Mar 15 2024

Meaningful Conversations in the Delta

A few months ago, I got in my car and headed south to eventually go west so that I could hike in Utah. As I headed south, I planned a two-night stay ...
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Feb 8 2024

Why Do You Stay?

“Why do you stay here?” is perhaps one of the most offensive questions you can ask someone about their hometown. This is especially true if their hometown has a complicated reputation. On ...
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Feb 7 2024

Why Maine?

Black people don't do that! The "that" can be anything from swimming to hiking to skiing! As quiet as it's kept, Black folks often think this, too. Once, I was hiking in ...
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Jan 12 2024

Our December 2023 Leadership Drive and a MAJOR Change in Plans

When I set out on the Winter/December leadership drive, I had a plan! I was supposed to leave New Jersey heading toward California. Specifically, I was heading south to avoid snow, which ...
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